"How to Paint" books
I just finished my second painting, when I realized I really know nothing. When I look back now, that is an understatement. I knew zero about painting, but I wanted to paint. My mom has already invested about R20 in my art career. Remember a tube of paint cost about 79c in those days and for her that was a lot of money! So I decided I have to make this work. I must learn how to paint! So my mom had to invest more money and buy a few books on how to paint. My first book was ” Learn how to paint still lifes”
First Still Life
My first still life that I painted from this book can be seen on the above photo. I painted it on a piece of hardboard that my dad cut for me. But I didn’t know I should prime it first. I tried painting on the smooth side first, but the paint wouldn’t stick. ThenI tried the other side, and the paint did stick but the board suck up all the oil and it was just overall a bad experience. I did however finish the painting. I have no clue what happened with it later. I did learn that hardboard is not going to work (not the way I tried to use it) and I learned a bit about composition and colour. So I was ready for my second still life.
More Still Lifes
I cannot really remember which was the second or third, but I worked through the book. I did all the paintings in the book and I really enjoyed it. I couldn’t wait to get back from school so I can spend my time learning how to paint. It is really addictive once you start. I loved the smell also. I was probably on a high most of the time from all the turpentine! Anyway I was enjoying it thoroughly. The book included a few more abstract still lifes. That was also a nice experience to learn something about abstract art. Here are a few examples of my work from that book. Apologies for the poor quality of the pics, but these are all I have.
I couldn’t wait to start with my new book: Learn how to paint Landscapes.