So where did it all start?
Ever since I can remember, and that is from more or less 3 years old, I liked to draw and to fill coloring books. Unfortunately my parents did not keep any of those for me. They probably did not see my potential at that stage because I NEVER kept within the lines! I still don’t!! It was and still is just too much hard work. I think I have too much of a right brain, which is very good thing for an artist.
My mom did keep 3 small drawings I made as part of a card or letter I gave her. My guess is that I just started school or maybe just before that, because I could already write. My mom was a teacher and she probably taught me to write letters even before I went to school. In anyway, I add these 3 drawings to this post. These are my original drawings still in existence. Who knows, maybe one day each of these will be auctioned for many thousands of dollars!
I remember I was about 3 or 4 years old when my youngest brother (the one who told his grade 2 teacher that he one day wants to become and actuary – and he did) entered a coloring competition. I told my mom I also want to enter. So I did. My brother’s picture was perfect, al the colors smoothly blended, all within the lines. Mine was a mess. I won the competition! I later won another competition at the church’s market where I entered a couple of small clay animals I made.
Nobody thought much of these 2 great accomplishments in terms of in which direction my life will develop. Neither did I. I was just a carefree child enjoying life and enjoying drawing and coloring.
But something happened a few years later… Make sure to watch this space to find out!